Tantric Journey for women
You were not meant to be a ghost in your own life. This work can show you how to begin to open the door on how you might surrender to the mystery of becoming fully alive. To become aware of the humanity of your own body. To wrap your hands around your innate creativity and warm it. To begin to open to the whispering possibility of feeling more of your life. Tantric Bodywork can meet you wherever you find yourself right now.

Tantric Bodywork can shift what longs to be moved in the mind, heart, and body so that you can hear, heal, get what you most need.
Why do Tantric Bodywork?
We as women are naturally tantric. Unfortunately this is something we are not taught and something we must learn. We can live our lives opening to only a fraction of our orgasmic potential and for some women none at all. This can be due to a range of many things from sexual traumas, social conditioning, the way we have been approaching sex or the way we have been approached.
Tantric massage can not only heal the past but open you to states of pleasure you never knew existed. Feminine sexuality has so much power, connection, lovingness and transformational qualities. It is so important we learn how to surrender and access our womb-breast-yoni connection. Tantric massage for women is a way to learn how to open to our sensual orgasmic nature, as well as, healing old traumas.
Benefits of Tantric Bodywork
Every woman longs to free her authentic self…that self that is uniquely her, apart from the many roles she plays in her family, the workplace and in society.
If you are a woman who desires… • More powerful and consistent orgasms • Relief from the effects of trauma, particularly sexual trauma • Expanded pleasure, joy and peace in every area of your life • Greater ease in navigating life changes such as divorce, marriage, menopause • Freedom to be and express yourself authentically • Healthier and more fulfilling relationships
…then the Tantric Bodywork is for you!